For individuals and families requesting more information about Allo Phase 2 Alzheimer’s Clinical Trial: LEARN MORE

Troubled by hot flashes? Learn more about the HF Relief Study being conducted at the University of Arizona to test the effectiveness of a natural product, PhytoSERM, to alleviate hot flashes:

For information about the PhytoSERM Brain Clinical Trial: LEARN MORE

UArizona leads way in precision aging research with $60 million grant from NIH

The University of Arizona has been awarded a five-year $60 million grant from the National Institutes of Health to create and lead a Precision Aging Network (PAN) that could transform the way we think about the aging brain.

The network will bring together researchers from across the country to better understand how and why people experience brain aging differently, with the ultimate goal of developing more effective treatments and interventions targeted to the individual. “Outcomes of Precision Aging Network research are critical for developing precision medicine approaches to prevent age-associated neurodegenerative diseases, most especially Alzheimer’s,” said Dr. Roberta Diaz Brinton, Center Director and Associate Director of the PAN.

One thought on “UArizona leads way in precision aging research with $60 million grant from NIH

  1. I’m interested, but white middle class 68 years old. My mother and her mother had Alzheimer’s. My older brother has dementia too. So far I’m ok.

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The Center for Innovation in Brain Science (CIBS) at the University of Arizona is addressing the challenge that, in the 21st century, there is not a single cure for a single neurodegenerative disease and is focused on four age-associated neurodegenerative diseases: Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis and ALS.

© 2025 Center for Innovation Brain Science. University of Arizona Health Sciences.

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